Issue details

Update on Plans for the future of health and care in York

Purpose of Report: To update Executive Members on the plans being prepared by a number of Health and Social Care Partners in York (including the Council, NHS Commissioners and Providers and Voluntary Sector Organisations) for the future of the health and care system in York, including consideration of closer working and increased integration.


The Executive will be asked to note the report.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/02/2021

Level of Risk: 04-08 Regular monitoring required;

Decision due: 18/03/21 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Leader (incorporating Policy, Strategy and Partnerships)

Lead director: Director of Public Health

Contact: Peter Roderick, Director of Public Health Tel : 07896 616354 Email:


Agenda items


  • Update on Plans for the future of health and care in York  


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