Issue details

Update on progress of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan and the proposed Main Modifications

Purpose of Report: As a Waste and Minerals Planning Authority, it is our statutory duty to address these issues in York. City of York Council is producing a Joint Plan with North Yorkshire County Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. This is an information report to set out progress on the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan and will inform the Executive Member of the proposed Minerals and Waste Joint Plan Main Modifications and associated public consultation.

The Executive Member will be asked to note the progress of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan and the proposed Main Modifications and associated public consultation.

NYCC have advised the consultation deadline with Natural England to comment on the outcomes of the Habitat Regulations Assessment has been delayed.  Due to the timescales involved it has been agreed to slip the report to 27th April Decision Session, this item was originally deferred from the 26 January 2021. 

This item was deferred to the 25 May 2021. This is due to the Council is as we are still awaiting sign off of the Main Modifications Schedule from the Planning Inspector and a date is yet to be agreed regarding the Main Modifications Consultation.

This item has now been deferred to 21 June 2021 to allow for further consideration of the decision making process of non-urgent items while social distancing remains in place.


This item has now been deferred to 27 July 2021, Joint Authorities are still yet to hear back from the Planning Inspector in respect of the Main Modifications Schedule and the Appropriate Assessments and therefore this item has been slipped.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/11/2020

Decision due: 27/07/21 by Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning
Reason: This item has now been deferred to 27 July 2021 Joint Authorities are still yet to hear back from the Planning Inspector in respect of the Main Modifications Schedule and the Appropriate Assessments and therefore this item has been slipped.

Lead member: Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning

Lead director: Corporate Director of Economy and Place

Contact: Anna Pawson Email:

Consultation process

Previous consultation has taken place at the following stages: First Consultation (2013), Issues and Options Consultation (2014), Additional or Revised Sites Consultation (2015), Preferred Options Consultation (2015/16), Publication stage (2016), Post-Publication Proposed Changes Consultation (2017).

The Main Modifications public consultation will take place in the new year across the full plan area.

Consultees: Statutory consultees and all consultees contained in the three authorities’ consultation databases.

Making Representations: Please contact the report author for further details.


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