Issue details

Update Report on Impact of Welfare Benefit Changes and Financial Inclusion Activities

Purpose of Report: This paper will report on the impact of recent welfare benefit changes in York, including Universal Credit, and importantly the support available for residents in dealing with these challenges. For example, the roll out of Universal Credit has raised concerns in the city about the consequences of potentially leaving individuals and families without an income for up to 6 weeks. It will look at the available support for residents including local welfare support and other financial inclusion activity.

The Executive Member is asked to note the report.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/02/2018

Decision due: 14/06/18 by Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Lead member: Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Lead director: Corporate Director of Customer and Corporate Services

Contact: Pauline Stuchfield, Director of Housing and Community Services 01904 551706 Email:

Consultation process

Feedback from Advice York partners will be sought on welfare benefits impacts and needs.

Making Representations: Please contact the report author for further details.


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