Issue details

Options for the Additional Provision of Financial Advice/Support Following the Introduction of Universal Credit

At Council on 20th July 2017, a council motion as amended was approved as follows:

‘Council resolves:

To request the relevant director to urgently produce an assessment for presentation to the relevant Executive Member Decision Session. This assessment should set out practical measures that the council and its partners could quickly put in place to mitigate the risk of residents being adversely affected by the introduction of UCFS.
This assessment should include, but not be limited to:


·         Options for the provision of additional financial or other assistance to CAY and/or other partners to support access to drop-in outreach sessions for clients encountering difficulties with UCFS.

·         Options for an ‘early warning system’ to be put in place through which Housing Officers can quickly and easily signpost residents to sources of help and support where rent arrears as a result of the implementation of UCFS may lead to evictions.

·         Options to increase the awareness and uptake of the York Financial Assistance Scheme – Including: the ability for third party advocacy groups to make applications on behalf of residents; and, the ability for individuals or advocates to make YFAS applications online.’

The report will respond to the council motion as amended with required options and recommendations.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/08/2017

Decision due: 14/09/17 by Decision Session - Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health

Decision due: 14/09/17 by Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Lead member: Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health, Councillor David Carr

Lead director: Corporate Director of Customer and Corporate Services

Department: Directorate of Customer and Corporate Services

Contact: John Madden, Benefits Assessments Manager, Resources - Financial Services Group Tel: 01904 551706 Email:, Pauline Stuchfield, Director of Housing and Community Services Email:

Consultation process

It is proposed that the advice sector in York are consulted on options around the best way of providing capacity for financial advice and support in light of welfare benefit changes such as Universal Credit.

Making Representations: Please contact the report author for further details.


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