Issue details

Community Stadium and Leisure Facilities Report - Yearsley Pool Review

The main purpose of the report will be to provide the Executive with the findings and recommendations following the conclusion of the Yearsley Review.  The report will also update the Executive on the progress of the wider Community Stadium and Leisure Facilities Project since the last report brought to Executive in December 2016.


The Executive will be asked to agree the long-term management arrangements for Yearsley Pool following the opening of the new leisure facility at the Stadium Monks Cross site.


Please note that this item (previously entitled Yearsley Pool Review) was called-in for pre-decision scrutiny and considered by the Corporate & Scrutiny Management Policy & Scrutiny (Calling In) Committee at a meeting on 31 January 2017.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Be significant in terms of its effects on communities;

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/01/2017

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - View reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information)

Decision due: 16/03/17 by Executive
Reason: Please note that this item was called-in for pre-decision scrutiny and considered by the Corporate & Scrutiny Management Policy & Scrutiny (Calling In) Committee at a meeting on 31 January 2017

Lead member: Executive Member for Culture, Leisure & Tourism

Lead director: Corporate Director of Children, Education and Communities

Department: Directorate of Children, Education and Communities

Contact: Andrew Laslett, Strategic Services Manager 01904 553370 Email:

Consultation process

Consultation has taken place in relation to the leisure procurement and the future of Yearsley pool over the last 12 months with a wide range of stakeholders.


- Yearsley Pool Action Group
- Aquatic clubs
- Nestle
- York St John University
- Others

Making Representations: By email to the report author.


Agenda items


  • Yearsley Pool Review  

Background papers


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