Issue details

Restructure of the York Learning

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2015

Implication: Financial; Human Resources;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Consultation with:

Charlie Croft on date: 01/02/2016

Decision due: 21/12/15 by Director of Communities & Neighbourhoods

Lead member: Executive Member for Culture, Leisure & Tourism

Contact: Charlie Croft, Assistant Director of Customer and Communities Email:, 01904 553371 Email:

Consultation process

Finance Comments:

Total staff savings of £284k have been achieved all of which will be fully realised in the next financial year 2016/17, although they are offset to some extent by increased pension costs of £11k and further potential redundancy costs of £27k.
Savings through natural wastage, unfilled posts and previously approved and implemented voluntary redundancies in 2015/16 amount to part year effect savings of £134k.
There are not expected to be any further redundancy costs for 2015/16, as these costs are likely to fall in 2016/17 and are anticipated to be £27k. These figures are prior to the pending pay award.
As a result of the above and previously agreed VER’s and early retirement costs, the service will be subject to the following costs over the next 5 years.

Breakdown of VER Pension costs is as follows:-
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
£40834 £40834 £25433 £24559 £22324

HR Comments:
York Learning staff and unions have been consulted and communicated with on a regular basis at meetings and by written correspondence. The implementation of the new structure has been in accordance with City of York Council Supporting Transformation (Management of Change) Policies and procedures. As a result of approving voluntary redundancies and vacant posts remaining unfilled during the restructure compulsory redundancies have been mitigated with only 2.5 posts likely to be made redundant. Every effort will be made to redeploy those staff currently at risk into other roles within CYC during the next 3 months and support will be provided to enable them to seek other opportunities elsewhere.



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