Issue details

Establish a shared service arrangment with Harrogate Borough Services for ICT Management

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/12/2015

Implication: Human Resources; ITT;

Consultation with:

Roy Grant on date:

Decision due: 23/11/15 by Corporate Director of Customer and Corporate Services

Lead member: Executive Member for Finance & Performance

Contact: Roy Grant, Head of ICT (York and Harrogate) 1966 Email:

Consultation process

Following on going discussions with the Chief Executive's of both York and Harrogate Councils and the Deputy Chief Executive of York and Director of Public Affairs of Harrogate, it was agreed to proceed with the proposal identified above and based on the Head of ICT from CYC working 2.5 days per week for HBC over an initial two-year period.



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