Issue details

York Gypsy and Traveller Strategy

Purpose of Report To present and request approval for the York Gypsy and Traveller Strategy for implementation.

The Cabinet Member is asked to approve the Strategy and action plan.


The reason this item has been withdrawn is to allow it to be considered at a future Cabinet meeting.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Withdrawn

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/12/2012

Implication: Equalities;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: Between 01/01/13 and 31/01/13 by Executive Leader (incorporating Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods))

Lead member: Executive Leader (incorporating Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods))

Lead director: Director of Communities & Neighbourhoods

Department: Directorate of Communities & Neighbourhoods

Contact: Kate Grandfield, Supported Housing Manager 55 4067 Email:

Consultation process

Contact Report Author


Gypsy and traveller community, council website, wider community around the travellers sites, neighbouring schools, ward and parish councillors, group of 50-60 officers from statutory and voluntary agencies including health service, education, planning, environmental health, police, fire services, probaion and travellers trust etc.

Making Representations: Contact Report Author on 01904 55 4067


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