Issue details

Deighton Proposed 50mph Speed Limit Objections

The report will set out the objections received to the proposed 50mph Speed Limit in Deighton and will outline the options available. The Cabinet Member is asked to consider the objections and the options contained in the report.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Be significant in terms of its effects on communities;

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Wheldrake Ward;

Implication: Highways;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: 19/11/12 by Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability

Lead director: Corporate Director of Economy and Place

Department: Directorate of Economy and Place

Contact: Philip Irwin Tel No. 01904 551330; Email:

Consultation process

Please contact the report author Philip Irwin.


Please contact the report author Philip Irwin.

Making Representations: Please contact the report author Philip Irwin.

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: Not Applicable.

Background4: Not Applicable.


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