Issue details

Homelessness (suitability of Accommodation) (England) order 2012 - Consultation

This is not a CYC report but response to CLG consultation. Purpose is to outline CYC response to CLG consultation on Homelessness (suitability of Accommodation).
The Cabinet Member is asked to agree the response and authorise submission (closing date for submission 26/7/12).

A decision on this issue was taken in private as the deadline for submission of responses was prior to the public meeting on 1 August.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Implication: Equalities;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: 01/08/12 by Executive Leader (incorporating Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods))

Lead member: Executive Leader (incorporating Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods))

Lead director: Director of Communities & Neighbourhoods

Department: Directorate of Communities & Neighbourhoods

Contact: Becky Ward, Service Manager Becky Ward, Service Manager, Homelessness, Tel: 55 4040 Email:

Consultation process

In-house report - members of the public are free to respond to consultation independently.


Housing Options, Temporary Accommodation and Standards and Adaptations team.

Making Representations: Contact Report Author



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