Issue details

Waste Management and Minimisation Strategy 2012 - 2015

Purpose of report: To provide an update on work undertaken to meet the aims of the strategy and focus the development of the strategy 2012-2015 in response to current position, trends, legislative changes and economic pressures.


Members are asked to:  Note the strategy’s focus on Zero Waste York as the driver for future policies and service provision. Approve the direction of travel 2012 -2015. Note the update on the work undertaken by waste services.

This report was put back from January to February to allow additional budget proposals to be investigated further as they would impact on aspects of the strategy and would need to be included in the strategy. The report was then slipped to March because, as part of the budget savings, there was a need to review three major policies which would have a material effect on the future waste strategy and time was required to complete these policy reviews.


This item has now been withdrawn from the Forward Plan as there are a number of smaller policies which will need to be developed which will feed into the over-arching report.  


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Withdrawn

Implication: Financial;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: 06/03/12 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Lead director: Director of Communities & Neighbourhoods

Department: Directorate of Communities & Neighbourhoods

Contact: Liz Levett Liz Levett extn 01904 553101 Email:

Consultation process

Contact Report Author: Liz Levett, Tel 01904 553101


Contact Report Author: Liz Levett, Tel 01904 553101

Making Representations: Contact Report Author: Liz Levett. Tel 01904 553101


  • Committee Report for Waste Management and Minimisation Strategy 2012 - 2015  


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