Issue details

Court of Protection

Purpose of report: To consider the Court of Protection Charges to be imposed by CYC The Executive Member is asked to: Agree the Court of Protection Charges

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made (subject to call-in)

Implication: Financial;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: 21/12/10 by Executive Member for Health & Adult Social Services

Lead member: Executive Member for Health & Adult Social Services

Lead director: Corporate Director of Children, Education and Communities

Department: Directorate of Adults, Children & Education

Contact: David Walker, Head of Customer and Exchequer Services Tel: (01904) 552261/4045 Email:

Consultation process

None required



Making Representations: By email to the report authors.Tel: (01904) 552261/4045 Email:


Agenda items


  • Committee Report for Court of Protection  


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