Issue details

Community Stadium - Outline Business Case

Purpose of report: To provide a outline business case for the Community Stadium Project. To identify the need/demand for the stadium. To identify how the community element of the project could be delivered. To identify potential options and how they could be funded. To identify potential benefits/outputs and risks. To set out timescales and costs for the project to be taken forward.

Members are asked to:  Pursue a preferred option or options for further and more detailed feasibility work. To develop the option(s) to detailed business case stage, begin the site selection process and development of the planning case.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Level of Risk: 04-08 Regular monitoring required;

Decision due: 23/06/09 by Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11

Lead member: Councillor Steve Galloway

Lead director: Corporate Director of Economy and Place

Department: Directorate of Economy and Place

Contact: Tim Atkins Email:

Consultation process




Making Representations: N/A


Agenda items


  • Committee Report for Community Stadium - Outline Business Case  


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