Issue details

Capital Programme Specification Change Update

Purpose of report: To ensure a consistent approach and reduce future maintenance costs. Customers will no longer have the choice of gas fires within their home.

Timescale: The decision is required promptly to apply a consistent approach for those customers included in the Tenants Choice Scheme and heating appliance replacement contract.

The results will be almost immediate as the number of gas fires reduce year by year thereby reducing the number of gas fires to be serviced and maintained.

Members are asked to: The report will ask members to consider the removal of gas fires from the current customer choices. Over the years chimneys currently within our housing stock have been subject to a number of modifications from that which they were originally designed. The modifications are such that cannot support new gas fires without being fully re-lined at a considerable cost. The cost of re-lining a chimney flue is approximately £1500 plus the cost of the appliance. The flue lining has an industry standard lifespan of 15 years which is less than the appliance it is serving therefore may need replacing again. The electric fire suites are visually more attractive and are the most popular choice with quite a large percentage of our customers. A number of customers still demand gas fires which causes a considerable expense to the Council, disruption to the customer and future maintenance costs to the Council.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Implication: Financial;

Level of Risk: 01-03 Acceptable;

Decision due: 17/03/08 by Executive Member for Health & Adult Social Services

Lead member: Councillor Susan Sunderland

Lead director: Director of Housing and Adult Social Services

Department: Housing & Adult Social Services Directorate

Contact: Mark Grandfield, Housing Improvement Manager.

Consultation process




Making Representations: In writing or by email to Mark Grandfield by early March


Agenda items


  • Committee Report for Choice of Fires in Customers Houses  


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