Issue history

Review of Public Transport provisions in the City

  • 15/12/2008 - Published in plan, 15 December 2008 to 14 April 2009
  • 29/12/2008 - Published in plan, 29 December 2008 to 28 April 2009
  • 09/01/2009 - Action: Meeting of Political Group Leaders ; status: created
  • 15/01/2009 - Published in plan, 15 January 2009 to 14 May 2009
  • 19/01/2009 - Action: If required, this item will be considered at a pre Executive meeting of the Strategic Policy Panel ; status: created
  • 20/01/2009 - Agenda item, Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 Review of Public Bus Services in York 20/01/2009
  • 21/01/2009 - Action: 14. Investigate the feasibility of this option Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 21/01/2009 - Published decision: Review of Public Bus Services in York
  • 22/01/2009 - Call-in period expired: Review of Public Bus Services in York
  • 26/01/2009 - Agenda item scheduled, Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee (Calling In)
  • 26/01/2009 - Action: After the Executive and if required, this item may be considered at a meeting of the Strategic Policy Panel ; status: created
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 2. Accept lowest tenders for continuation of services and schedule report on Forward Plan re shared taxi / taxi bus options Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 10. Investigate potential of stored value taxi card system and schedule report on Forward Plan Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 17. Purchase a licence for this product as agreed Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 13. Make arrangements for the twice-yearly printing of bus maps Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 6. Implement fare increase as agreed Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 5. Investigate re-negotiation of SLA with York Wheels Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 8. Schedule report on Forward Plan re off-bus ticketing facilities Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 11. Consider improvements to issue arrangements for travel tokens Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 9. Make these changes to the bus pass / travel token scheme Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 7. Schedule report on Forward Plan re on-bus ticket machines Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 3. Make arrangements to undertake trial Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 16. Implement the EURO III standard as agreed Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 4. Include new minibus in LTP capital programme Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 12. Investigate options for 16-19 YOzone card and schedule report on Forward Plan Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 1. Continue improvements to waiting facilities and bus priority measures Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late
  • 17/02/2009 - Action: 15. Make arrangements to tender the travel information telephone service Shirley Simpson ; status: completed late


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