ePetition details

City of York Council SOLVE the York University related parking, don’t just MOVE it!

We the undersigned petition the council to call upon City of York Council who have displaced this problem parking from one area to another, creating serious road safety issues in so doing to SOLVE the problem rather than simply moving it.

At the beginning of October City of York Council introduced an expanded Badger Hill Residents Parking Scheme, this scheme has had predictable consequences with displaced University related parking - staff and students relocated to Osbaldwick with Tranby Avenue badly affected as many residents have noticed.

Similarly sections of Hull Road leading to Nursery Gardens now see Archbishop Holgate’s sixth formers dumping cars during the school day.

The obvious solution is for City of York Council in conjunction with York University to revisit the University Travel Plan imposed as a condition of the Heslington East Planning Approval and open up the University Car Parks to free use by all students and staff to take car parking out of residential streets and on to currently virtually empty University Car Parks.

City of York Council are also requested to engage with the Headteacher of Archbishop Holgate’s School and advise of the need to allow sixth formers who travel by car to be able to park on the school grounds.

This ePetition ran from 16/11/2021 to 31/12/2021 and has now finished.

119 people signed this ePetition.


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