ePetition details

Fishergate Primary School Road Safety

We the undersigned petition the council to carry out a review of road safety around Fishergate Primary School. The review should recommend improvements to road design so that children feel safe when they walk or cycle to school. City of York Council will need to identify funding for the improvements identified by the review.

There has been an increase in the number of incidents affecting children who walk or cycle to school. Parents have also observed an increase in careless and dangerous driving in the area.

The scope of the review should be wide-ranging. Recommendations should include short term, straightforward measures as well as longer term, ambitious projects.

The experiences of children and parents who walk to school should inform the review.

The review should feed into York's Active Travel Programme, including schemes that are already planned such as the Fishergate and gyratory pedestrian and cycle scheme.

The review should consider measures such as:

- An extension to the 20mph limit already in place
- Wider pavements and segregated cycle paths
- More barriers between the road and pavement
- Improved or new pedestrian and cyclist crossing places
- Alternative locations for existing pedestrian and cyclist crossing places
- Increased signage, including vehicle activated signs
- CCTV cameras
- Restriction of traffic access by particular types of vehicles, or at particular times

There should be a clear timeline for implementation of recommendations.

The area surrounding Fishergate Primary School includes: Fishergate, Fishergate gyratory, Escrick Street, Blue Bridge Lane and Melbourne Street.

This ePetition ran from 06/12/2023 to 17/01/2024 and has now finished.

184 people signed this ePetition.


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