ePetition details
5G Planning Permissions
We the undersigned petition the council to stopping any proposals, plans or attempts to introduce 5G technology to the geographical area covered by the City of York Council (CYC).
We believe there is a serious and incalculable risk to the health of present and future generations. We also believe that any support, financial or otherwise, by CYC is a wholly inappropriate and an unjustifiable use of resources.
Please refer to our website - http://www.5gAwarenessYork.co.uk for more details of our concerns about the risks to health (both mental and physical) and to the environment from 5G EMF radiation. These risks are so serious (and incalculable) that Lloyds of London and other major global underwriters have declared that they will not underwrite any insurance for these risks.
This ePetition ran from 26/01/2020 to 08/03/2020 and has now finished.
8 people signed this ePetition.