Issue - decisions

Park & Ride Contract Acceptance

24/10/2007 - Park & Ride Bus Contract

RESOLVED: (i)         That the acceptance of First York, by the Director of City Strategy under delegated authority, as the preferred operator for the provision of the Park and Ride service with the intention, subject to the satisfactory conclusion of contractual terms negotiations, to enter into an agreement with the company to provide the service for five years, with an option to extend for a further three years, be noted and agreed.


REASON:      To maintain a high quality Park and Ride service for the City.


                        (ii)        That the proposed fare level and service options identified in paragraphs 23 and 42 of the report (and summarised in the table above) be approved.


REASON:      To enhance the Park and Ride service in a cost effective and affordable way.


                        (iii)       That further discussions be held with First York, aimed at providing more flexible ticketing arrangements for the whole of the First fleet which operates in York.


REASON:      To ensure that the issue of integrated ticketing is progressed as quickly as possible.


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