Issue - decisions

Review Report - Waste Management

09/10/2007 - Waste Management Strategy 2007/2008 - 2013/2014

RESOLVED:(i) That it be agreed for £50k to be included in the Council’s budget each year to allow waste minimisation work to continue and subject to the usual value review as part of the annual budget build process;


(ii)That it be agreed for a pilot recycling scheme to be implemented in the Groves area commencing April 2008 at a cost of £160k in a full year, with consultation starting during 2007/2008 and being managed within the existing budget, and a full implementation plan being shared with Members following a full survey of the area;


(iii)That it be agreed for a delivery plan for the pilot area to be presented to the Neighbourhood Services Executive Member & Advisory Panel (EMAP) to inform Members of how this will be implemented and to receive feedback;


(iv)That the full rollout of recycling in terraced areas as from April 2009 be agreed in principle at an annual cost of £241k per annum, subject to the usual value review as part of the budget build process;


(v)That it be agreed for an annual budget of £30k to be included in the Council’s budget each year to help improve participation levels in kerbside recycling, subject to the usual value review as part of the budget build process;


(vi)That the proposed changes to the Commercial Waste section, that will allow the Council to provide recycling to schools and commercial organisations and which will be cost neutral to implement, be agreed;


(vii)That authority be given for the designated LATS trading officer to sell surplus LATS permits in line with the Council’s Waste Strategy;


(viii)That it be agreed to ask officers to provide further reports on the items considered in the Strategy which will contribute to the mitigation of the Council’s LATS targets.


REASON:      To assist the Council to meet its LATS targets and to minimise the amount of waste going to landfill.


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