Issue - decisions

Review Report - Climate Change

11/09/2007 - Environmental Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan towards a Climate Change Strategy for the City

RESOLVED:(i) That the Environmental Sustainability and Action Plan towards a Climate Change Strategy and the Environmental Policy statement be endorsed as a useful basis on which to develop a further report which should address the following issues:

a)                 required actions;

b)                 possible milestones;

c)                  practicality;

d)                 costs and resourcing streams;


                        (ii) That, in producing a refined strategy, officers be requested to show clearly the following:

a)     enablers indicating the percentage of the total target that each will achieve;

b)     further detail on the “City” (Local Strategic Partnership) component of the strategy;

c)      a consultation, resident education and public engagement programme.


REASON:To provide a basis for future action in environmental sustainability for the Council and for its Environmental Management System (EMS).


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