Issue - decisions

Consultation on proposal for additional post-16 provision

07/12/2007 - Consultation on proposal for additional post-16 provision

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


·        Approve the school’s proposals (subject to clarifications as stated in paragraphs 46-48 and 64 of the report).


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.



·        This recognises the strength of the school and its ambition to take a lead as a high performing specialist school with a vocational specialism.

·        The school meets all the criteria as described in paragraph 33 of the report.

·        It provides a framework for development and opportunity in line with City of York Lifelong Learning Partnership (CYLLP) 14-19 strategy. This strategy and partnership recognises the strengths of existing 16-19 providers and seeks to ensure that Archbishop Holgate’s School (AHS) plans help the city to improve provision for those young people who currently tend to opt out of education at the age of 16 and to help and to help meet the needs of learners across the City by offering extended choice and diversity.

·        It is an opportunity to develop existing partnership work and provide additional facilities for learners.

·        It allows for further debate about the detail of this proposal. We propose that the school is asked to amend its proposal (appendix 6 to the report) to clarify how its proposals fit within the new funding regime. In particular, Members need to be assured about:

-        Which programmes are core, definitely needed and therefore certain to be funded

-        Which programmes the school wishes to offer and will seek access funding through a commissioning process

-        The school’s contingency plans to manage the costs of running the new building: in the short term as curriculum provision is gradually scaled up; in the long term if expected learner numbers are not secured



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