Issue - decisions

Discus Bungalows - Preferred Partner

06/11/2007 - Selection of a Preferred Discus Bungalows Re-development Partner

RESOLVED: (i)         That the contents of the report, and the progress of the Discus re-development project to date, through the work of the Project Board that has agreed the selection process, be noted.


REASON:      In accordance with the requirement to keep Members informed on the progress of major projects.


                        (ii)        That Option 1 be approved; that is, to select the partnership of Tees Valley Housing Group, York Housing Association and Southdale Homes Ltd. as the provisional preferred development partner to purchase and develop the three Discus sites, subject to the receipt of satisfactory planning consent, ground investigation surveys, the award of a Social Housing Grant and resolution of issues brought up as part of the evaluation, providing this does not affect the capital receipt to a point where it will affect the order of the evaluation scores.


REASON:      This developer scored the highest marks in the selection process.


(iii) That authority be delegated to the Director of Housing and Adult Social Services, in consultation with the Project Board, to agree a Heads of Terms and Conditional Development Agreement with the preferred development partner, to include the Discus Housing Objectives, subject to the Project Board’s confirmation of the agreements and prior consultation with the Executive Member, the Corporate Landlord and the Chief Finance Officer, in the event that the agreement may result in any reduction of the capital receipt.


REASON:      To secure an agreement with the Discus development partner that achieves all the outcomes agreed through consultation with stakeholders and interested parties.


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