Issue - decisions
Harewood Whin Green Energy Park (GEP) – Project Initiation
22/02/2024 - Harewood Whin Green Energy Park (GEP) – Project Initiation
i. Agreed to initiate the Harewood Whin GEP project and the development of a Strategic Outline Case for a preferred way forward.
Reason: To assess the viability and feasibility of the proposed
project, reaffirm the strategic context, and determine a preferred way forward for the project that is financially viable.
ii. Agreed that a Strategic Outline Case will be prepared for the project and presented to the Executive at the conclusion of the first stage of project development (Gateway Review 1).
Reason: To enable the Executive to review the Strategic Outline
Case (business case) and determine whether to authorise the project to proceed to the next stage of project development.
iii. Agreed to initiate governance to assure the project and delegate financial authority for this stage to the Corporate Director of Place to allow the project to proceed to the next Executive decision.
Reason: To progress the project to this next stage, operating
within the £243,500 budget allocated by the MCA.