Issue - decisions

Construction Skills and Retrofit

22/02/2024 - Construction Skills and Retrofit



                      i.         Thanked the founding members of the Construction Skills Partnership for the work they have begun and endorse their approach to developing a Construction Skills Initiative.


Reason:    To recognise the work undertaken by industry partners in developing the initiative, and to support the growth of the York economy and the Council’s priorities of affordability, environment, equalities and human rights, and health and wellbeing.


                    ii.         Noted the progress made on developing models for a Construction Skills Village, delivering on-site training and promoting construction as a career to young people and career changers.


Reason:    To support Council Plan commitments and City Strategies.


                   iii.         Delegated authority for implementing the Innovate UK-funded Retrofit One Stop Shop York project to the Corporate Director of Place.


Reason:    To support corporate objectives to combat climate change.


                  iv.         Approved that the Council enters into any necessary collaborative arrangements and/or contracts with its partners to deliver the ROSSY project, and to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Director of Governance (or their delegated officers), to determine the terms and conditions, and any subsequent modifications and/or extensions thereto.


Reason:    To ensure compliance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules under Appendix 11 of the Council’s Constitution and, where applicable, the Public Contract Regulations 2015.


                    v.         Approved that the Council enters into any necessary grant funding agreements with the funder, Innovate UK, and any necessary onward grant funding agreements with its partners and/or any other third-parties to deliver the ROSSY project, and to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Director of Governance (or their delegated officers), to determine the terms and conditions of any grant funding agreements entered into, and the provisions of any subsequent modifications and/or extensions thereto.


Reason:    To ensure compliance with the Subsidy Control Act 2022, the Council’s Financial Regulations under Appendix 10a of the Council’s Constitution and the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules.



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