Issue - decisions

Response to the Government’s consultation titled “Plan-making reforms: consultation on implementation” on behalf of City of York Council

18/10/2023 - Response to the Government’s consultation titled “Plan-making reforms: consultation on implementation” on behalf of City of York Council

On 22 December the government published a consultation titled “Plan-making reforms: consultation on implementation”. The consultation sets out some further detail to the proposals contained within the December 2022 consultation ‘Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: reforms to national planning policy’ (Corporate Director decision March 2023). It provides further detail around the proposed 30-month plan-making process, which includes some key steps:

• New proposals for a 4-month period prior to commencement (setting out timetable, Project Initiation Document preparation, notifying statutory bodies)
• 2 set periods of consultation and engagement
• 3-staged ‘gateway’ assessment process for local plans with a shorter examination process at the end

The consultation also includes some new proposals for use of set templates for local plans and consultation responses, and enhanced emphasis on monitoring requirements and metrics.

In consultation with the Executive member for Housing, Planning & Safer Communities, the Corporate Director of Place has had prepared a response to the Governments consultation and having reviewed this response with the Executive Member will now submit the Council’s response to the consultation.

Many of the proposals outlined in the consultation require the government to publish additional detail, which is expected to emerge as the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill progresses to royal assent.


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