Issue - decisions

Moving Traffic Offence Enforcement Consultation Responses (Part 6 Traffic Management Act 2004)

12/09/2023 - Moving Traffic Offence Enforcement Consultation Responses (Part 6 Traffic Management Act 2004)


     i.        That the findings of the public consultation be noted:

·        The feedback was supportive of the application to share measures with North Yorkshire Police on moving traffic offences under part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004;

·        The feedback was supportive of a pilot scheme on Micklegate;

    ii.        That it be noted that on the basis of the positive response to the consultation, the Director for Transport, Environment and Planning will apply to the Department for Transport to take on the responsibilities for enforcement of part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 as per the delegation in the April 2022 report.

   iii.        That it be delegated to the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning for the implementation of the pilot to enforce the one-way Micklegate traffic restriction. This will be funded from existing Transport budgets. This is following the Officer Decision to commence the consultation exercise and change the location from Lendal to Micklegate for the reasons in the officer decision report.

Reason: To ensure the safety of the Highway network is further strengthened


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