Issue - decisions

Revenue Outturn Report (also including Treasury Management Outturn Report)

26/06/2007 - General Fund - Provisional Revenue Outturn 2006/07

RESOLVED:             (i)            That the provisional outturn position be noted;


(ii)               That the requests to carry forward funds into 2007/08, totalling £1,519k for General Fund services, detailed in Annex 4 and summarised in paragraph 55 of the report, be approved;


(iii)             That the supplementary estimate in 2006/07 of £135k in relation to the changes in accounting treatment of the costs of capital disposals be agreed, as highlighted in paragraph 36 of the report;


(iv)              That the supplementary estimates in the 2007/08 budget for the Chief Executive’s department for £123k and Neighbourhood Services for £100k be agreed;


(v)                That the request to carry forward £39.3k for the housing revenue account, as detailed in Annex 4 and summarised in paragraph 58 of the report, be approved;


(vi)              That the increase in the Neighbourhood Services Trading Account Reserve by £139k to £439k be approved;


(vii)            That the transfer of the remaining underspend to revenue reserves be approved;


(viii)          That the enhanced priority placed by the Director of Resources on the need to address the issues identified as part of future monitoring rounds be noted;


(ix)That, as detailed in paragraph 79 of the report, the commitment of the Executive to funding the additional resources up to £155m required to make the Waste Private Finance Initiative (PFI) project affordable over the life of the contract be reaffirmed.


REASON:To enable the Executive to set a revised budget in 2007/08 and monitor it effectively.


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