Issue - decisions

Occupational Health and Day One Absence Management Provision

23/11/2022 - Occupational Health and Day One Absence Management Provision

Resolved:  (i)      That approval be given to procure an occupational health and day one provision effective from May 2023.


                   (ii)      That authority be delegated to the Chief Operating Officer to select the appropriate procurement route and award the contract to the successful bidder.


                   (iii)     That the future procurement of a contract of this nature be considered as ‘routine’, on the basis that it is a re-procurement of existing arrangements.


Reason:     To ensure that managers continue to be provided with the tools to facilitate proactive absence management and that professional occupational health advice is available at the earliest opportunity, with the supplier able to work with the Council to develop solutions to keep employees with health issues at work and safe.





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