Issue - decisions

Submit the Proposed Modifications and Evidence Base Consultation Statement and Duty-to-Cooperate update as part of the Local Plan Examination

04/10/2021 - Submit the Proposed Modifications and Evidence Base Consultation Statement and Duty-to-Cooperate update as part of the Local Plan Examination

The Council have prepared a Consultation Statement to set out a summary of responses to the Proposed Modifications and Evidence Base consultation 2021, as required by Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning Regulations.
To demonstrate compliance with the Council’s duty-to-cooperate in line with the Localism Act and NPPF, a further paper has been prepared to record engagement with statutory and prescribed bodies since 2019.
This decision accords with delegated authority provided to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Performance (with responsibility for the Local Plan).
Decision: Corporate Director of Place in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Performance agreed to submit to the Planning Inspectorate the Proposed Modifications and Evidence Base Consultation Statement and Duty-to-Cooperate update as part of the Local Plan Examination.


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