Issue - decisions

CYC Recovery and Renewal Strategy update

27/08/2021 - City of York Council Recovery and Renewal Strategy - August Update

Resolved:  (i)      That the contents of the report be noted.


(ii)      That the use of ARG funds and the positive impact of this approach on the York economy be noted, and that approval be given to allocate:

a)   £500k to the business voucher support scheme and

b)   £100k to support York’s music venues.


(iii)     That a final allocation report be brought to Executive at the end of 2021.


Reason:     To support the York economy and its recovery from the Covid pandemic.


(iv)    That officers be requested to obtain the necessary permissions to extend the current temporary footstreet arrangements, which are due to expire in September 2021, so that the 127 businesses currently operating street cafes can continue to operate in the interim and so that all available options can be presented to Executive in November to consider the future operation of the footstreets, which will include extending the additional blue badge parking provision that has already been provided.


(v)     That the number of mitigations enacted since approval of the Temporary TRO to help support Blue Badge Holder access to the city centre (as set out in paragraph 40 and Annex 1) be noted.


Reason:     To enable Executive to consider future arrangements of the footstreets extensions together with further improvements to accessibility in the city centre.  The extension of the temporary orders will allow the current arrangements initiated in response to the government’s Covid-19 guidance and Pavement Café License legislation to continue until Executive has been able to formally consider the statutory consultation and feedback on the further mitigation options.


(vi)    That approval be given to extend the Temporary TRO for the continued one-way operation of Coppergate with contraflow cycle lane until December 2021 pending consultation on the potential changes to the arrangements, including removal of the restrictions, and to remove the current pedestrian barriers from the southern footway immediately.


Reason:     To allow the Executive / Executive Member to consider the results of engagement with stakeholders prior to making a decision in line with recent directions from the Department for Transport, and because pedestrian barriers are no longer considered necessary at this location with the removal of social distancing restrictions.


                   (vii)    That officers be requested to continue the engagement with disabled people’s advocacy groups, and to engage with the Human Rights and Equalities Board on the emerging ideas from this summer’s strategic review of city centre access and parking and any additional suggestions from the statutory consultation for improving access in the city centre.


Reason:     To ensure that the council works to improve access to the city centre for all.


                   (viii)   That it be noted that reports will be brought to Executive in November 2021 on the future operation of the footstreets, My City Centre, Review of Access and Parking and the Future Funding of Dial a Ride.


Reason:     This will also allow Executive to consider the decision on the future operation of the footstreets in the light of My City Centre and the Strategic Review of Access in full.


                   (ix)    That consultation and engagement be undertaken with Scrutiny before the November Executive meeting on the future operation of the footstreets, accessibility to the city centre and the surrounding constraints.


Reason:     To ensure that consideration is given to all ongoing constraints and opportunities regarding the extension of the city centre footstreets.


                   (x)     That approval be given to implement additional dropped kerbs within the city centre footstreets around pavement cafes as mitigation, by prioritising these locations as part of the LTP programme.


Reason:     To mitigate the impact of the continued presence of café licences on mobility aid access where some premises may not now be accessible without considerable detours.


                   (xi)    That £20k be allocated from the Covid Recovery contingency to support York Wheels / Dial and Ride and Shopmobility and promote their services to potential users.


Reason:     In recognition of the critical role they have played and will continue to play in the recovery of the city centre.


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