Issue - decisions

Approval of Financial Inclusion Grant Scheme Awards 2021/22

15/03/2021 - Approval of Financial Inclusion Grant Scheme Awards 2021/22

Resolved: That approval be given to the award of £113,276 of grants to fund the following seven projects to deliver financial inclusion activities in the city:


1.   £5,818 to the Older Citizens Advocacy York (OCAY) Benefits Advocacy project to provide advocacy support to help with applications, assessments and appeals


2.   £13,229 to the Citizens’ Advice York Financial Inclusion at GP surgeries project to continue to develop co-ordinated advice work located in GP practices.


3.   £5,385 to the Citizens’ Advice York Financial Inclusion in the Traveller Community project to work with the Travellers Trust to deliver and co-ordinate advice services to the Gypsy & Traveller community.


4.   £25,057 to the Peasholme Charity My Money, My Life project to continue the delivery if its financial capability pathway service


5.   £13,900 to the Welfare Benefits Unit advice Extra project to extend the reach of services to underpin first tier advisors in responding to more complex cases.


6.   £19,262 to the Experience Counts 50+ Project to deliver four employment related programmes to residents aged 50+ 


7.   £30,625 to Changing Lives for a Financial & Social Inclusion Worker to support vulnerable and hard to reach residents to gain financial independence


Reason:     To ensure that funds set aside to support the delivery of financial inclusion activity are allocated appropriately.



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