Issue - decisions

Winter Grants Scheme

03/12/2020 - Winter Grants Scheme

Resolved: That approval be given to;


a)   The top slicing of the Winter Grant Government allocation in the sum of £200k for Free School Meals in respect of Christmas, February Half Term and the start of the Easter Holidays 2021.


b)   The Winter Grant scheme at Annex A to support families with or without children with Food and Utility bills through to 31st March 2021.


c)   The additional spend of £3,810 for October Half Term Free School Meals as set out at Paragraph 9 of the report.


d)   The delegation for any future changes resulting from Government guidance in relation to this scheme to the Chief Finance Officer (s151) in consultation with the Executive Member Finance and Performance.


Reason:     To provide financial support to the city’s most financially vulnerable residents through the ongoing covid-19 pandemic.



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