Issue - decisions

The York Business Improvement District renewal ballot

15/01/2021 - The York Business Improvement District Renewal Ballot

Resolved:  (i)      That the BID be supported in their campaign to secure a second term in York through a ballot of all businesses in the BID area set out in Annex 1.


(ii)      That the Leader of the Council be requested to cast the Council’s ballot votes in support of a further term.


Reason:     To allow the work of the BID and its partners to continue to boost the city centre economy, and to ease difficult trading conditions for retailers, particularly in a post-pandemic recovery environment.


                   (iii)     That the content of the BID Business Plan and the council’s Baseline Service Level Agreements be noted.


                   (iv)    That the role of the York BID, Make it York and other key city partners in supporting the city centre economy be noted.


Reason:     To be clear on the role of all partners, as well as the commitments of the council, in maintaining statutory services.


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