Issue - decisions

COVID 19 - To extend the footstreets and footstreet hours

06/07/2020 - COVID 19 - To extend the footstreets and footstreet hours

1. To approve a Temporary TRO, covering Goodramgate (between Monk Bar and Deangate), College Street and Deangate, to prohibit motorised vehicles (not cycles) except for access, and to implement a loading ban, with both restrictions implemented between 10.30 and 20.00 (in line with extended footstreet hours), seven days a week. To approve the installation of the signage required to facilitate the enforcement of these restrictions.

2. To approve a Temporary TRO for Fossgate to prohibit access by motorised vehicles (not cycles), and to implement a loading ban, with both restrictions implemented between 10.30 and 20.00 (in line with extended footstreet hours), 7 days a week. Due to the access arrangements required it will be necessary to staff the closure point at the junction with Merchantgate.

3. To approve a Temporary TRO to extend all the footstreet hours to 10.30am to 20.00 seven days a week, and to extend the staffing of the closure points at Blake Street and Goodramgate accordingly. To staff all main closure points for two weeks to provide information to road users and support the enforcement of the new restrictions.

4. Blue Badge parking in the city and use of the shuttle taxi to be monitored for the month of July. Closing footstreets impacts upon blue badge holders, changes have been made to Monk Bar Car Park and a taxi service provided. Consideration of additional support for blue badge holders will be made based upon monitoring and understanding the impact.

This will be reviewed in line with changes to COVID Alert levels

Reason for the Decision:
To maintain social distancing whilst implementing the council’s Covid Recovery plan. This action supports the councils Covid Economic Recovery Transport and Place Strategy to reopen the city centre, including the hospitality sector, whilst enabling social distancing.


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