Issue - decisions

NW Area Action Plan (formerly entitled York Central/British Sugar Area Action Plan)

28/02/2007 - York North West Area Action Plan

RESOLVED: (i)         That the programme set out in the report for the preparation of the Area Action Plan and for its inclusion in the revised Local Development Scheme, having regard to the recommendations and amendments of the LDF Working Group, be noted.


                        (ii)        That Officers be instructed to revise the programme, with the objective of bringing forward the milestone target for the completion of public consultation on the Aims and Options paper before the end of September 2007.


                        (iii)       That Officers be requested to report back on how other parts of the timetable can be compressed.


                        (iv)       That the Community Consultation Strategy for York Central, which will be taken into account in undertaking the public consultation relating to the York Northwest Area Action Plan, having regard to the recommendations and amendments of the LDF Working Group, be noted.


REASON:      In order to produce a timely plan that is likely to be implemented, and thus ensure that the development of these important sites is not jeopardised by internal milestones.


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