Issue - decisions

Fulford School Remodelling Phase 1 & Access Improvements by Highways

07/05/2020 - Fulford School Remodelling Phase 1 & Access Improvements by Highways



                      i.         Approved the allocation of £500k of basic need funding to enable remodelling of areas of the existing Fulford School building to accommodate additional pupils above the school’s planned admission number for September 2020. This would allow the school to admit the growth in pupil numbers from within its catchment meaning that all children in catchment could access their local secondary school.


Reason:     To enable the council to meet its statutory responsibility to provide sufficient school places in this area.


                     ii.         Approved the funding of £550k in principle to carry out access improvements to the Fulford School site.


Reason:     To make improvements to the access route to the school to reduce congestion and improve road safety in the area.


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