Issue - decisions

Financial Support to voluntary organisations 2007/2008 (Chief Executive's)

16/01/2007 - Financial Support to Voluntary Organisations (Chief Executive’s/City Strategy) 2007/2008

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Leader be advised to approve:

 (i) To put in place four new 3 year funding agreements from 2007/8 to 2010/11 at a cost of £218,042; referring the decision in respect of the proposed award to York CAB to the Executive for approval as this is over £50,000;

(ii) To put in place 3 new annual funding agreements at a cost of £31,994;

(iii)To set aside the remainder of the budget for awards of less than £5,000 and DRR awards (without accompanying grant applications) to be delegated to the Chief Officer;

(iv)To make awards subject to the receipt of satisfactory accounts and reports, where necessary, as set out in paragraph 45 of the report; 

                                    Subject to the outcome of Budget council.


(v)That the existing arrangements for staging payments to Voluntary and Community Organisations (VCO’s) be retained;


(vi) That Officers review the options for making the most effective use of the Chief Executives funding budget during the coming year, bearing in mind the commitments contained in the Local Area Agreement, and as discussed in paragraphs 17 to 23 of the report, and that the proposals be brought back to Members in due course.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  (i) So that the Council can enter into Service Level Agreements with the organisations funded for the provision of a range of services for the residents of York;


                                    (ii) To notify VCO’s promptly regarding the timing and frequency of payments;


(iii) So that the most effective use can be made of the Chief Executives budget in the future.


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