Issue - decisions

EV Charging Strategy

19/03/2020 - Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy

Resolved:  (i)      That the EV Charging Strategy be approved for adoption.


Reason:     The Strategy is necessary to provide direction on future investments into the public charging network, and with the predicted growth in plug-in vehicle sales it is important to formalise the council’s approach ahead of investment decisions.


                   (ii)      That the ambition in the Strategy for a minimum of 5% of bays in council-owned car parks will be charging bays by 2023 be endorsed, noting that, based on initial costing estimates, this is expected to cost around £0.8m and that delivery will be subject to successful external funding bids, this being in addition to agreed budgets for Hyperhubs at Monks Cross and Poppleton Bar (£2.2m) and renewal of the existing charging estate (£0.25m).


Reason:     In order to assist with the acceleration of EV take-up and to ensure there is robust provision of EV charging points across the city and meet carbon reduction targets, 5% is consistent with current planning policy for developments.


                   (iii)     That the approach to bay management based on the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee and set out in paragraphs 31-35 of the report be endorsed.


Reason:     To provide a fair system for charging and parking, prevent bay blocking and allow efficient management of car parks and charging bays.


                   (iv)    That a standard tariff of 20 p/k/Wh for Fast Chargers and 25 p/kWh for Rapid and Ultra Rapid chargers to agreed, to be reviewed on an annual basis as part of budget setting.


Reason:     To ensure a fair tariff for all residents and a sustainable approach to the council-managed EV charging estate.


                   (v)     That it be noted that officers will continue to explore options for on-street parking where viable.


Reason:     To ensure there is equal opportunity for all potential users.


                   (vi)    That it be noted that officers will explore options for EV taxi charging in the city centre.


Reason:     To assist taxi drivers to utilise EV.


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