Issue - decisions

Approval of new approach to rechargeable repairs

16/01/2007 - Rechargeable Repairs

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to approve Option 1 to identify the most regularly ordered rechargeable repairs and put a fixed value on the charge based on historic cost data and officer experience, with the following amendments to Annex 1:–

Glazing – separate prices for single glazing, double glazing, and size of glass up to 0.5m2, 0.5-1m2, and over 1m2.

Washing machine and dishwasher leaks, tap connectors, hoses (tenants responsibility) - £30.00

Decision of the Executive Member for Housing


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  It would lead to an improved service to, and greater clarity for, customers. It would also result in greater efficiency for the council.


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