Issue - decisions

Approval of ICT procurements with a whole life contract value of over £250k

18/11/2019 - Approval of ICT procurements with a whole life contract value of over £250k

Resolved: That;

                                    i.        Approval be given to the extension to the payments system contract in order to secure capital savings and avoid increases in revenue costs for the next 5 years (as set out in Annex A of the report).

                                  ii.         Agreement be given to the replacement document management system as recommended with a new procurement rather than an upgrade to the existing system (as set out in Annex B of the report).


Reason:     To ensure the that councillors consider routine procurement decisions over £250k in value in line with procurement regulations and the public have the opportunity to see transparent decision-making in operation relating to major procurements.


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