Issue - decisions
Supplementary Planning Documents Update
18/10/2019 - Supplementary Planning Documents Update
Resolved: That;
i. The progress of the Supplementary Planning Documents be noted;
ii. The scope of the Green Infrastructure SPD be endorsed to allow the draft document to progress;
iii. The scope of the Carbon Reduction, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Design and Construction SPD be endorsed, to allow the document to progress as the next priority SPD.
Reason: So that work on interim draft Supplementary Planning Documents can be progressed prior to adoption of the York Local Plan.
iv. A report be taken to the Local Plan Working Group and Executive regarding the production of an Affordable Housing SPD and the implications of national policy changes.
Reason: So that Members are aware of potential implications of the NPPF (2019) on affordable housing policy and consequential implications for the production of an SPD.
v. A future report on Green-blue Infrastructure Strategy be taken to Executive to endorse the scope, timetable, and resources required for a GBI strategy and action plan.
Reason: So that work on a draft GBI strategy and action plan can commence.
vi. A response to the government’s consultation on whether to implement changes to Part L of the Building Regulations be taken to a joint Decision Session of the Executive Members for Environment and Climate change, and Economy and Strategic Planning.
Reason: So that the Council can submit a formal response to the Government led consultation on Building Regulations.