Issue - decisions

Reducing York’s carbon footprint with Electric Vehicles

27/09/2019 - Reducing York’s Carbon Footprint with Electric Vehicles

Resolved:  (i)      That the progress of the Hyper hubs project be noted.


                   (ii)      That approval be given to proceed with the procurement of a contract for the supply and installation of the hyper hubs and that authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Transport, Highways & Environment, in consultation with the Assistant Director of Legal & Governance or his / her delegated officers, to take such steps as are necessary to award and enter into the resulting contract for the delivery of the Hyper hubs project, with the proviso that, if the scheme needs to be tailored to the available budget, this be brought back to Executive in a further report.


                   (iii)     That the approach to the wider estate and progress on fixing the council’s current Electric Vehicle (EV) charging assets, as set out in the report, be approved.


                   (iv)    That officers be asked to develop the principles set out in the report, along with the comments, into a formal Public EV Charging Strategy to be brought to a future Executive meeting.


                   (iv)    That the fees for parking in EV bays be included in the budget proposals for 2020/21.


Reason:     In order to move forward and implement an EV charging infrastructure that meets the Council’s ambitions in terms of carbon reduction, promoting sustainable transport and increasing the use of electric vehicles to improve air quality in the city.


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