Issue - decisions

Junction Alterations – Bishopthorpe Road / Scarcroft Road

25/07/2019 - Junction Alterations – Bishopthorpe Road / Scarcroft Road


Resolved: (i)      That Option 3 be approved, as set out in

                             paragraphs 57 to 64 of the report.


Reasons:            a)      To achieve the core aim of replacing the life-expired traffic signal asset such that it can continue be operated and repaired economically.


b)      To provide further benefits for users by introducing a new pedestrian crossing, an addition generally supported by the consultees and local user groups.


(ii)      That officers note the suggestions made in respect of this item under Public Participation for consideration as part of the detailed design of the scheme.


Reason:     To ensure that proper consideration is given to the feasibility of including further improvements within the scheme.




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