Issue - decisions

Street Environment Enforcement Policy

08/12/2006 - Street Environment Enforcement Policy

It was reported that the Council had signed up to the Government’s Enforcement Concordat. This set out what businesses and others being regulated could expect from enforcement officers. It committed the Council and their officers to good enforcement policies and procedures and could be supplemented by additional statements of enforcement policy.


The purpose of the report was to ask Members to approve the Street Environment Enforcement Policy, and associated customer contract and to note the procedures concerning enforcement of litter, graffiti, fly posting and presentation of waste, and the enforcement provisions concerning juveniles.


It was reported that the proposed enforcement policy and practices for street environment            were consistent with the policy and practices throughout the region.

Consideration was given to the options for members:


Option 1


To approve the proposed enforcement policy statement for street environment together with the associated customer contract as detailed in Annexes A and B, and

To note the content of the procedures detailed in Annexes C and D.


Option 2


Not to approve the enforcement policy statement for street environment.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


i)                   That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member to approve the enforcement policy statement and associated customer contract for street environment (Annexes A and B) outlined in Option 1 of the report.


ii)                 That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member to note the content of the enforcement procedures in relation to the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 and enforcement in relation to juveniles (Annexes C and D) outlined Option 1 of the report.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:    That the advise of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


   REASON:    i) This will comply with the Council’s obligations in relation to when, why and how enforcement action is taken by street environment.

 ii) These procedures follow the guidance issued by DEFRA and relate to consistency of enforcement.





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