Issue - decisions

Noise Patrol Update

08/12/2006 - Noise Patrol Update

This report asked Members to note the actions taken by the Noise Patrol to date, and to be aware of the service pressure generated by the additional workload, over and above that which was anticipated.


In March this year the Executive Member approved a new approach to tackling noise nuisance, which included the setting up of a new weekend night time noise enforcement service (the “Noise Patrol”). It was reported that over 500 telephone calls had been received during the first six months of the Noise Patrol service and that from July to August it had been necessary to supplement the service by the addition of a support officer to cope with the volume of calls on Saturday nights. The volume of calls to the Noise Patrol had exceeded expectations.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


            That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member to note the report and the additional service pressure generated by the additional demand over and above that which was anticipated.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:      That the advise of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:       To update the Executive Member on the work of the Noise Patrol.


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