Issue - decisions

Government Consultations on: Permitted Development rights for Shale Gas Exploration andInclusion of Shale Gas Production Projects in the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project Regime

22/10/2018 - Government Consultations on Permitted Development Rights for Shale Gas Exploration and Inclusion of Shale Gas Production Projects in the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project Regime

Resolved:  (i)      That the government consultations on:

a)   permitted development rights for shale gas exploration and

b)   inclusion of shale gas production projects in the NSIP regime

be noted.


(iii)     That, subject to the addition of density of well pads’ to the list of matters requiring prior approval in paragraph 44, the views set out in the ‘Suggested Authority Response’ sections of the report be endorsed and approved for submission the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, as relevant.


Reason:     To allow officers to respond to the government consultations prior to the deadline of 25 October 2018.


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