Issue - decisions
Rufforth and Knapton Neighbourhood Plan - Examiner’s Report and Decision Statement
28/09/2018 - Rufforth and Knapton Neighbourhood Plan - Examiner’s Report and Decision Statement
Resolved: (i) That the Examiner’s modifications, and the consequential minor modifications, to the Rufforth with Knapton Neighbourhood Plan, as set out in Annex B, be approved and that, subject to those modifications, it be agreed that the Neighbourhood Plan meets the Basic Conditions and other legislative requirements.
(ii) That the Rufforth with Knapton Neighbourhood Plan, as amended, proceed to a local referendum based on the geographic boundary of the parish of Rufforth with Knapton, as recommended by the Examiner.
(iii) That the Decision Statement at Annex B be published on the City of York Council’s website.
Reason: To allow the Neighbourhood Plan to progress in line with neighbourhood planning legislation.