Issue - decisions
Petition seeking adoption of former Persimmon Estate, including Arlington and Tamworth Roads
13/07/2018 - Petition requesting that the Council adopt streets on a Persimmon Homes estate, including Arlington Road and Tamworth Road
(i) That the recent progress on progressing towards adoption of the streets (as shown in Annex B to the report) be noted.
(ii) That the verbal update on progress given provided at the meeting be noted.
(iii) That upon completion of the adoption of the streets (as per the plan annexed to the report), officers will notify the lead petitioner, the ward councillors and Executive Member.
(i) This will respond to residents request to adopt the streets concerned.
(ii) To provide a comprehensive and up to the minute picture and provide assurances as to the timeline for adoption.
(iii) To confirm that the adoption has been completed.