Issue - decisions

Speed Management

31/10/2006 - Speed Management

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to agree:

(i)                 To adopt the data-led method of assessing speeding issues outlined in paragraphs 15-33 of the report (proposal A), whilst acknowledging the need to assess and publish speed statistics for individual roads, in response to complaints forwarded by Council Members, and to support cycling and pedestrian movements by controlling speed.

(ii)               To adopt the procedure for managing complaints from residents and Ward Committees outlined in paragraphs 34-43 (proposal B), with the first report to be presented to the next meeting of the Executive Members and Advisory Panel, and to ask that, where possible, details of the speeds recorded on individual roads be made accessible via the Council’s website.

(iii)             That Parish Councils also be given the opportunity, should they wish, to fund or contribute to the funding of speed reduction solutions (implemented by the City of York Council) where the appropriate assessment criteria have been met.

(iv)              To review the speed limits on all ‘A’ and ‘B’ roads by 2011, in accordance with the new DfT guidance (proposal C).

(v)                To continue with the existing programme of targeted education to influence driver behaviour (proposal D).

(vi)              To implement the most appropriate speed management engineering treatment, as detailed in Annex A to the report, where justified by the data (proposal E), recognising that VAS should not be restricted only to those locations where there is a casualty record.

(vii)            To work with North Yorkshire Police and support data-led targeted speed enforcement (proposal F), encouraging the Police to adopt a policy which includes appropriate prosecution of those who break the speed limit.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.



(i)                 To enable resources to be deployed most efficiently and with maximum benefit to the community, and to ensure parity across the City by applying a consistent and robust approach to all speeding issues.

(ii)               To ensure that issues are dealt with in the most effective manner and to improve transparency.

(iii)             To enable Parish Councils, as well as Ward Committees, to contribute to local improvements where appropriate.

(iv)              To ensure that the work is completed by 2011 in accordance with DfT guidelines.

(v)                To ensure that the Council is able to fulfil the objectives of the Speed Management Plan.

(vi)              In order to manage speeds across the City effectively, particularly in those areas where speeding poses a risk to safety.

(vii)            To ensure that speed enforcement is targeted where appropriate.


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